Introducing...the Boston Fetch Blog

It’s strange running a dog walking business in a time of coronavirus. We miss our regular routine, and above all we miss the wonderful dogs, cats and humans we are lucky enough to work with. We’re hoping to see you all very soon.

However the good news is that the team at Boston Fetch hasn’t been sitting around idly while we’ve been on lockdown—far from it! We’re working hard on a number of new and exciting changes to make Boston Fetch better than ever when we relaunch. Make sure you keep an eye on our Facebook page, or our Instagram feed for news of some great developments for Boston Fetch. We think you’re going to like them!

One thing we can share right now is this blog itself! We pride ourselves on being more than just a dog walking service (although we love doing that, of course!) We really want to be a source of advice and inspiration for pet owners in Boston, whether they are part of the Boston Fetch family or not.

We are very proud of the amazing team of people who work at Boston Fetch, and we hope that this blog can be a way for us to share some of their enthusiasm, passion and expertise.


What can you expect from our blog?

  • Updates from the Boston Fetch team

  • Dog training guides and resources

  • Advice and information about raising a pet in Boston

  • Reviews of some of our favorite pet products

  • Fun and inspiration to help you get the most out of life with your pet

We want this to be a helpful resource for you, and so if there’s something you’d like to see featured on the blog, let us know! Whether it’s a dog behavior issue you’re grappling with, or a question about puppy training, or just a fun tip that you’d like to share please get in touch! We’d love to hear from you.

Thank you for stopping by—please come back and visit soon, and feel free to subscribe to receive regular blog updates.