Dogs Don’t Judge
Millie wants you to be you. Also Millie looks fantastic in those wings!
Since I was young, I have found friends in animals. I think many can say the same of me! We seek out the cheer and playfulness of dogs, the peace and warmth of cats, the curiosity and comfort of little critters. I’ve found while working for Boston Fetch a new reason to love the company of pets, as well as the benefits of working for this once small but rapidly expanding business.
I worked with Boston Fetch prior to the pandemic for three years, but chose to leave to pursue work in my field of study, the arts. What I realized in my year away was how much I missed not only the dogs themselves, which I had foreseen, but also the personal nature of working for Boston Fetch. We as staff members are really seen and treated as people, something difficult to find in other lines of work.
Bailey just wants everyone to be caring and respectful of each other. I’d do it for her!
During the pandemic shutdown, we were forced to face ourselves in a new and confined way. What I discovered during this time was a deeper part of my identity I had always struggled with. I have since come out as a trans non-binary person, and now use they/them pronouns. Entering a new job, with new pronouns, turned out to be quite anxiety inducing! I had to advocate for respect in a new company both as someone entering an already tight knit environment, and as someone using pronouns they were not assigned at birth.
Choosing to leave the job I had found, I returned happily to Boston Fetch and was offered a newly developed full time position. Reintroducing myself with these new pronouns, I was greeted with nothing but support and encouragement. There is of course no reason for pronouns to affect anyone’s work, or make them any less employable, and that’s exactly the attitude Boston Fetch takes on. It was so wonderful to be received with such enthusiasm as a returning staff member, and instantly shown the same respect and care that I had always been given.
Twyla doesn’t judge, she’s just happy to spend time with you!
This leads me to my main point of this personal anecdote; dogs don’t judge. Working with animals has proven to be the safest space I have found to be myself and do a great job. I feel competent in my work and proud of my company. Best of all, I am seen as exactly who I am - accepted and looked after by this great company. I praise Boston Fetch to my friends and family and always mention how I'm happy to be myself and glad I can work hard and not have to worry about anything other than my responsibilities and the care of our furry friends.
So a big thank you to Boston Fetch for taking such great care of me over the years. I’m glad to be working for an openly inclusive and supportive business.
And of course, a huge thank you to all the dogs currently walking with us and all the dogs yet to come. You bring me more joy than I can possibly describe.
Scout get’s it!
A last thought: If you or someone you know is considering a change of pronouns, I highly suggest practicing on a pet. There’s nothing they can say or do to make you feel invalid, and sometimes just hearing it out loud can confirm a thought or feeling. I used to practice with my dog Papi :)
- Annie Murphy, Full Time Staff with Boston Fetch (approx. 4 years)